So yes, instead of preparing the presentation I will hold tomorrow, I'm doing very useful stuff: listening to anime songs of my childhood in different languages, mainly the ones I "know". Quite productive, yeah... How beautiful is sharing a common culture! Which one do you like the most monsieurs?
Spanish (Spain):
Spanish (America):
The Digimon song, btw, has two versions: the cool one (German, Spanish) and the awkward one (French, Swedish for instance)
Monday, 28 October 2013
Friday, 20 September 2013
Thought of the week (V): About names (II)
Easy question: in order to be president of the U.S., must one have a stupid name when you come to think about it?
I was talking with... someone, definitely, about when I discovered that "Dick" Cheney was a name (I told you guys here) when... this someone pointed out something I didn't think about:
BILL Clinton.
Hum... is a good thought, isn't it?
George BUSH
The freak is this?
Well, let me say that in Spain right now is very famous Ana Botella, Anne Bottle when I talk to friends (in Spanish)
I was talking with... someone, definitely, about when I discovered that "Dick" Cheney was a name (I told you guys here) when... this someone pointed out something I didn't think about:
BILL Clinton.
Hum... is a good thought, isn't it?
George BUSH
The freak is this?
Well, let me say that in Spain right now is very famous Ana Botella, Anne Bottle when I talk to friends (in Spanish)
The whole speech sucks sooo much that has been trending topic in Spain for days!! Amazing, huh? Anyway, the best part of the speech (and the TT) has definitely been the "having a relaxing cup of café con leche in Plaza Mayor" (1:40 in the video). Actually I already showed you that part in the previous post. There are many many jokes about it... but well, I guess I will do a reference to the previous post in this blog, and put you a whole bunch of Spanish expressions LITERALLY translated into English. LITERALLY. Please, don't forget it:
So what's the conclusion I come up with? Well, that I guess I won't care so much about names from now on. Do you do?
By the way, even if you don't care and it's not like I enjoy talking about myself here, I feel like I must say that I've been admitted to the Swedish B2.2 level here in Barcelona, which is more than I actually expected (and actually more than what I was said). I'm so happy! So guess, I'll try to recover a little bit my level in that beautiful language. Now it's time to find a French teacher!
Why do I tell you this? Do you actually care? It's not like I say many people... hum, nearly anyone that I write this blog, I just do it to have fun and learn. It's not like I like telling you my life here either (for instance I don't talk about the nice bike excursion I will do next we... oh, shit!) Nah, you understand. But if you somehow read me... Well, then just look forward to seeing some posts in any of these languages now! haha. As a very good friend of mines says: this is great.
By the way, even if you don't care and it's not like I enjoy talking about myself here, I feel like I must say that I've been admitted to the Swedish B2.2 level here in Barcelona, which is more than I actually expected (and actually more than what I was said). I'm so happy! So guess, I'll try to recover a little bit my level in that beautiful language. Now it's time to find a French teacher!
Why do I tell you this? Do you actually care? It's not like I say many people... hum, nearly anyone that I write this blog, I just do it to have fun and learn. It's not like I like telling you my life here either (for instance I don't talk about the nice bike excursion I will do next we... oh, shit!) Nah, you understand. But if you somehow read me... Well, then just look forward to seeing some posts in any of these languages now! haha. As a very good friend of mines says: this is great.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
This post is the milk!
But what the milks? Provided that it's been a couple of months since I wrote here for the last time, I guess I should have plenty of topics to choose in order to come back here with style! For instance, this summer I had again a super nice experience with white courtains in the UK like the ones in Sweden... However, I find myself about to talk to you about milk! But what milks have I done with my life? I used to had style here in my dear blog...
Milk! Have I said hello? Hello!!! Long time no see you!
So. Last year in Sweden... hum, two years ago, in Sweden (wait, I have to leave you a sec and cry) (...) (Ok guys, I'm back) As I was saying, it was one year and a half ago when I talked from time to time with my very appreciated German friend Jonas about expressions in our respective languages. And it turns out that those conversations clearly inspired the idea for this post, so I write this in memorial of such discussions. The milk! How much I miss them!
But what's milk here in Spain? That white liquid that many of us drink in the mornings? Well, you should know that there is nothing quite like eeeh... relaxing cup of café con leche!!! (coffee with... milk) (in Plaza Mayor)
But this is not the point. Well yes, it is, milk is what it is and that's milk. But Spanish milk is this and... much more! Let me introduce you all the meanings I can think about the word "milk". Sorry for the messy translations. I actually find these expressions quite hard to translate, I hope that they make sense at least.
Go at all milk (Spanish: ir a toda leche) -> Go very fast, at full speed.
Go shitting milks (Vete cagando leches) -> Leave as fast as you can. e.g. "You bastard, go shitting milks from here if you don't wanna die!"
I shit in the milk (me cago en la leche) -> A way of cursing. e.g. "I lost the plane! I shit in the milk! What do I do now?"
Not whatever nor milks (ni lo que sea ni leches) -> Not whatever nor any other stupidity you might say. Used when we don't want to accept sthg someone says. "Have you cleaned your room?" "No" "Why?" "Well, I had to procrastinate..." "Not procrastinating nor milks! Clean your room now"
The milk of [introducenoun] (La leche de [introducirsustantivo]) -> A huge bunch of [introducenoun]
And one milk! (¡Y una leche!) -> No way! e.g. "John, clean your room!" "And one milk!" (and he goes on doing whatever he was doing)
Milks! (¡leches!)-> Fuck! Expresses complaint.
Milk! (¡leche!) -> Oh god! Expresses amazement
The milk! (¡la leche!) -> What the...?!/ The fuck! Expresses surprise or lament. Slightly different from the previous one, though still it makes no sense at all. To be more accurate: the milk of non sense.
This is the milk (Esto es la leche) -> This is very cool. e.g. Word of chu is the milk
To give yourself a milk (Darse una leche) -> To crash (e.g. with your car), to fall (e.g. to the floor). Normally in a very cruel, gore and spectacular way. e.g. He gave himself a milk with his car.
To give milks to each other (Darse de leches) -> To hit each other, to punch each other. e.g. They gave milks to each other and ended up with a very funny purple face.
He has very bad milk (Él tiene muy mala leche) -> He is really bad tempered.
What a bad milk you have! (¡Qué mala leche que tienes!) -> What an arse hole you are! What very bad intentions you have!
You are the milk! (Eres la leche) -> You're super cool! / You're super nice! e.g. David is the milk of guy. And very humble too.
We have 15 meanings!! That's the milk of meanings!! Any more suggestions? I'm open minded, it's been a long time since I last wrote here but you should not have forgotten that I'm a guy of the milk! haha
Hope you can use them! And I mean in English haha! (I did it very seldom in Sweden, but it was so funny) This was the milk of post, wasn't it?!Write you soon!
A relaxing cup of café con leche in "La plaza Mayor" in Madrid
P.D. Ok, this post might have to do with the absolute trending topic this week in Spain: the speech of Ana Botella, "Ana Bottle" amongst friends (bottle of milk), to the International Olympic Committee. She's the mayor of Madrid... and the protagonist of the couple of videos I've put here today. The perfect proof of how much we Spaniards suck at English. And oh yes, I have many more proofs than just this!
Milk! Have I said hello? Hello!!! Long time no see you!
So. Last year in Sweden... hum, two years ago, in Sweden (wait, I have to leave you a sec and cry) (...) (Ok guys, I'm back) As I was saying, it was one year and a half ago when I talked from time to time with my very appreciated German friend Jonas about expressions in our respective languages. And it turns out that those conversations clearly inspired the idea for this post, so I write this in memorial of such discussions. The milk! How much I miss them!
THE MILK - Spanish C2++++ level lessons
But what's milk here in Spain? That white liquid that many of us drink in the mornings? Well, you should know that there is nothing quite like eeeh... relaxing cup of café con leche!!! (coffee with... milk) (in Plaza Mayor)
But this is not the point. Well yes, it is, milk is what it is and that's milk. But Spanish milk is this and... much more! Let me introduce you all the meanings I can think about the word "milk". Sorry for the messy translations. I actually find these expressions quite hard to translate, I hope that they make sense at least.
Go at all milk (Spanish: ir a toda leche) -> Go very fast, at full speed.
Go shitting milks (Vete cagando leches) -> Leave as fast as you can. e.g. "You bastard, go shitting milks from here if you don't wanna die!"
I shit in the milk (me cago en la leche) -> A way of cursing. e.g. "I lost the plane! I shit in the milk! What do I do now?"
Not whatever nor milks (ni lo que sea ni leches) -> Not whatever nor any other stupidity you might say. Used when we don't want to accept sthg someone says. "Have you cleaned your room?" "No" "Why?" "Well, I had to procrastinate..." "Not procrastinating nor milks! Clean your room now"
The milk of [introducenoun] (La leche de [introducirsustantivo]) -> A huge bunch of [introducenoun]
And one milk! (¡Y una leche!) -> No way! e.g. "John, clean your room!" "And one milk!" (and he goes on doing whatever he was doing)
Milks! (¡leches!)-> Fuck! Expresses complaint.
Milk! (¡leche!) -> Oh god! Expresses amazement
The milk! (¡la leche!) -> What the...?!/ The fuck! Expresses surprise or lament. Slightly different from the previous one, though still it makes no sense at all. To be more accurate: the milk of non sense.
This is the milk (Esto es la leche) -> This is very cool. e.g. Word of chu is the milk
To give yourself a milk (Darse una leche) -> To crash (e.g. with your car), to fall (e.g. to the floor). Normally in a very cruel, gore and spectacular way. e.g. He gave himself a milk with his car.
To give milks to each other (Darse de leches) -> To hit each other, to punch each other. e.g. They gave milks to each other and ended up with a very funny purple face.
He has very bad milk (Él tiene muy mala leche) -> He is really bad tempered.
What a bad milk you have! (¡Qué mala leche que tienes!) -> What an arse hole you are! What very bad intentions you have!
You are the milk! (Eres la leche) -> You're super cool! / You're super nice! e.g. David is the milk of guy. And very humble too.
We have 15 meanings!! That's the milk of meanings!! Any more suggestions? I'm open minded, it's been a long time since I last wrote here but you should not have forgotten that I'm a guy of the milk! haha
Hope you can use them! And I mean in English haha! (I did it very seldom in Sweden, but it was so funny) This was the milk of post, wasn't it?!
A relaxing cup of café con leche in "La plaza Mayor" in Madrid
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Kanelbullar - rollos de canela suecos
Hace tiempo que prometí que colgaría la receta que yo hago servir de kanelbullar, unos rollitos de canela suecos que están de coña y que son las delicias de la gente cada vez que los hago. De hecho me han pedido que haga kanelbullar de propio ya en varias ocasiones. Hoy, que hace un año y un par de días que volví de allí, creo que es un buen día para colgar esta receta. Así que si queréis quedar bien, y conocer un poquito uno de los postres más típicos de Suecia aquí la tenéis.
La receta creo que está escrita para tontos como yo... pero bueno, es que si os contara los desastres que hacía gente en Suecia cada vez que intentaban cocinar esto, la verdad es que yo me siento muy orgulloso del resultado. Es combinación de un par que encontré por Internet en su día y algún detalle que puse yo a mi gusto.
Ya de paso, os hablaré de una muy buena costumbre que tienen los suecos: el fika. Básicamente consiste en quedar tranquilamente a charrar un rato mientras toman un café o equivalente y el pastelito dulce de turno... el kanelbullar, en este caso. Así que ya sabéis qué hacer para sentiros suecos por un rato (guiño guiño). Recuerdo que los alemanes se reían mucho al respecto de esta costumbre, porque por lo visto su pronunciación es casi idéntica a "follar" en alemán, lo cual también me hacía mucha gracia hehe. Imaginad la primera frase de este párrafo en alemán y me entenderéis.
¡Ya contaréis qué tal salen si los hacéis! ¡A fikear se ha dicho! (y hacedlos, que no os arrepentiréis. Eso sí, yo acostumbro a hacer la mitad de las cantidades que están aquí indicadas, que ya salen kanelbullar más que suficientes para pasar un buen rato de gula. Aunque también podéis optar por congelarlos, que se conservan bien)
La receta creo que está escrita para tontos como yo... pero bueno, es que si os contara los desastres que hacía gente en Suecia cada vez que intentaban cocinar esto, la verdad es que yo me siento muy orgulloso del resultado. Es combinación de un par que encontré por Internet en su día y algún detalle que puse yo a mi gusto.
Ya de paso, os hablaré de una muy buena costumbre que tienen los suecos: el fika. Básicamente consiste en quedar tranquilamente a charrar un rato mientras toman un café o equivalente y el pastelito dulce de turno... el kanelbullar, en este caso. Así que ya sabéis qué hacer para sentiros suecos por un rato (guiño guiño). Recuerdo que los alemanes se reían mucho al respecto de esta costumbre, porque por lo visto su pronunciación es casi idéntica a "follar" en alemán, lo cual también me hacía mucha gracia hehe. Imaginad la primera frase de este párrafo en alemán y me entenderéis.
¡Ya contaréis qué tal salen si los hacéis! ¡A fikear se ha dicho! (y hacedlos, que no os arrepentiréis. Eso sí, yo acostumbro a hacer la mitad de las cantidades que están aquí indicadas, que ya salen kanelbullar más que suficientes para pasar un buen rato de gula. Aunque también podéis optar por congelarlos, que se conservan bien)
KANELBULLAR – bollos de canela suecos
*Fotos pendientes de incluir, las tomaré la próxima vez que cocine. Pero quedan algo así:
INGREDIENTES: (para unos 40-60 kanelbullar)
(depende de cómo se corten)
- 150 g de
mantequilla o margarina (sin sal)
- 500 ml de
- 50 g de
levadura fresca [sólida]
- 80 g
- ½
cucharada de sal
- 850 g
(aprox. 1,4 l) harina de trigo -> sí, los suecos dan sus recetas en litros, lo cual a mí me despista bastante aunque quienes están más acostumbrados dicen que es más lógico.
- aprox. 200
g mantequilla
- azúcar
- canela en
- 1 huevo
- perlas de
azúcar (pärlsocker) -> en España es prácticamente imposible encontrarlas, lo mejor es reemplazarlas por azúcar normal
- Se
comienza preparando la masa. Para ello, derretir la mantequilla en una olla y
añadir la leche. Calentarla un poco (tampoco demasiado, si no luego nos
- Por
otro lado, disolver la levadura en un
pelín de leche.
- Tomar
la harina y mezclarla con el azúcar y la sal (yo lo hago en un bol grande o sartén wok). Añadir la
levadura disuelta y mezclar.
- Añadir
la leche poco a poco y mezclar. Comenzar a amasar durante unos 5’. En caso de ser
necesario añadir más harina/azúcar.
- Dejar
reposar la masa 30’ cubierta con un trapo.
- Tomar
la masa. Dividirla en trozos razonables para expandirla con el rodillo en
rectángulos (ojo que las esquinas estén bien marcadas y los bordes sean rectos, que luego hay que enrollar)
- Untar
la mantequilla (es más fácil si se deja derretir antes un poco) sobre la masa.
- Añadir
el azúcar sobre la masa. Añadir la canela sobre la masa.
- Enrollar
los rectángulos. Cortar los rollos en piezas de 2-3 dedos (dependiendo de lo
que se quiera), cada uno es un kanelbulle. Ponerlos sobre la bandeja del horno.
- Calentar
el horno a 250ºC
- Batir
el huevo para usarlo de barniz. Con un pincel, expandirlo sobre los
kanelbullar. Poner sobre el barniz las perlas de azúcar.
- Poner
el en horno hasta que estén hechos (deberían ser unos 9-10’, pero depende mucho
del horno)
- Smaklig
måltid! (¡Buen provecho!)
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Comprehending the utility of white curtains
And I will explain myself.
What I feel like a quite stupid habit in Europe is not having blinds at all in the rooms of any building. I mean: in summer blinds do not disturb in any way (you just put them up and done), and while you sleep they help to make your room darker. Since in summer there are more hours of light but sleeping is not a very illuminated job, it kind of makes sense to me having blinds to darken your room. Doesn't it?
"Oh, but we have curtains to avoid the light to come in"
Hmm, I don't really know what to answer to that. Because what I'm experiencing is that a very common thing is that curtains in rooms are white, and I can say that I'm quite aware of the utility of white curtains: none. Why do I say this in such a radical way? Simple reason: because when I arrived last year to Sweden, I was waking up at 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 o'clock in the morning just because the curtains did not avoid at all the entrance of light in the room. Therefore finally I went to Ikea (the independent republic, you know) and bought one curtain with one of the darkest tones I found. Every night I unfolded such a curtain and put it over the white curtain I had. Then in the morning, I folded it back again and... done!
Now I'm back in Spain, living in a city as Barcelona. And I have blinds, yes. Which do not work very well, there are some spots where the light can come in. So I have to use the curtain too. And guys, guess which kind of curtains I have to use.
You were brilliantly right! How the hell can this be understood? What should I do now?
Very deep dilemmas haha. I'll try to take a piece of advice from my bed. If the white curtain lets me sleep, of course.
*It's not that I don't like light, on the contrary! But what it's true is that I like darkness when it comes to sleeping.
What I feel like a quite stupid habit in Europe is not having blinds at all in the rooms of any building. I mean: in summer blinds do not disturb in any way (you just put them up and done), and while you sleep they help to make your room darker. Since in summer there are more hours of light but sleeping is not a very illuminated job, it kind of makes sense to me having blinds to darken your room. Doesn't it?
"Oh, but we have curtains to avoid the light to come in"
Hmm, I don't really know what to answer to that. Because what I'm experiencing is that a very common thing is that curtains in rooms are white, and I can say that I'm quite aware of the utility of white curtains: none. Why do I say this in such a radical way? Simple reason: because when I arrived last year to Sweden, I was waking up at 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 o'clock in the morning just because the curtains did not avoid at all the entrance of light in the room. Therefore finally I went to Ikea (the independent republic, you know) and bought one curtain with one of the darkest tones I found. Every night I unfolded such a curtain and put it over the white curtain I had. Then in the morning, I folded it back again and... done!
My Swedish room, one random morning. With the dark blue curtain still protecting me from the evil light. And a cool Swedish flag, just in case you didn't realize about it. |
White white, pure white. Peeeeace! |
Very deep dilemmas haha. I'll try to take a piece of advice from my bed. If the white curtain lets me sleep, of course.
*It's not that I don't like light, on the contrary! But what it's true is that I like darkness when it comes to sleeping.
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Stockholm memories - Amaral
I'm alive. Though you may not believe it. I'm having a very busy but cool month living with my cousin, her husband and their three 8-10-12 year aged boys. Very very cool. In a few days I'll be moving to a new place, and there I guess I will settle a little bit and start writing here one more time. One never knows though.
But today I'm feeling like "I miss Stockholm". So let's rewind a year! Do you mind?
Sorry, can't listen to you happy readers haha. One of the cool things of Stockholm is that it is a big city, with all the events associated that such a condition implies. So, the thing is that around a year ago, on June 1st, we went to an Amaral concert organized by the Spanish embassy in a pub in Stockholm, Södra Teatern. Don't know if you know Amaral, she's a very famous Spanish singer who composes lyrics which go deep into your heart, and that I really like (at least is among my most beloved Spanish singers). Particularly I recommend "Son mis amigos" (They're my friends), "Revolución" (Revolution), "Toda la noche en la calle" (All night long in the streets) and the most famous one, "El Universo sobre mí" (The Universe over me). She's from Saragossa, my hometown. The cool thing is that I knew about these concert of hers in Stockholm, but didn't say a word to anyone. And I remember that my beloved Lilianna, who didn't know Amaral at all, said about going to this concert. For me, it was like "oh wow, very cool" and "they're lucky"
The concert was great. Amaral didn't say a word in English, and just "tack!" (thanks) in Swedish. But it was great. I particularly remember one song Amaral played, the last song of the concert, the "extra" song. It's not the song I appreciate the most of Amaral. But... The lyrics totally made sense there in Stockholm. It was somehow overwhelming... and now that I've moved to Barcelona, these lyrics make again sense for me.
So here you have the song, and a translation of it. Hope you enjoy it!
We said goodbye to each other and the years passed,
we saw each other again one Saturday night...
another country, another city, another life,
but the same feline glance.
Sometimes I'd kill you, and others I want to eat you up instead,
little aquamarine eyes.
But today I'm feeling like "I miss Stockholm". So let's rewind a year! Do you mind?
Sorry, can't listen to you happy readers haha. One of the cool things of Stockholm is that it is a big city, with all the events associated that such a condition implies. So, the thing is that around a year ago, on June 1st, we went to an Amaral concert organized by the Spanish embassy in a pub in Stockholm, Södra Teatern. Don't know if you know Amaral, she's a very famous Spanish singer who composes lyrics which go deep into your heart, and that I really like (at least is among my most beloved Spanish singers). Particularly I recommend "Son mis amigos" (They're my friends), "Revolución" (Revolution), "Toda la noche en la calle" (All night long in the streets) and the most famous one, "El Universo sobre mí" (The Universe over me). She's from Saragossa, my hometown. The cool thing is that I knew about these concert of hers in Stockholm, but didn't say a word to anyone. And I remember that my beloved Lilianna, who didn't know Amaral at all, said about going to this concert. For me, it was like "oh wow, very cool" and "they're lucky"
The concert was great. Amaral didn't say a word in English, and just "tack!" (thanks) in Swedish. But it was great. I particularly remember one song Amaral played, the last song of the concert, the "extra" song. It's not the song I appreciate the most of Amaral. But... The lyrics totally made sense there in Stockholm. It was somehow overwhelming... and now that I've moved to Barcelona, these lyrics make again sense for me.
So here you have the song, and a translation of it. Hope you enjoy it!
If I were born again, if I could start over,
I would search for you again on my time machine.
Destiny is what leads and guides us,
comes between us and brings us together throughout life.
I would search for you again on my time machine.
Destiny is what leads and guides us,
comes between us and brings us together throughout life.
We said goodbye to each other and the years passed,
we saw each other again one Saturday night...
another country, another city, another life,
but the same feline glance.
Sometimes I'd kill you, and others I want to eat you up instead,
little aquamarine eyes.
What can I say, if every part of my mind is yours
and if I can't find the exact word, what can I say.
How to tell you that you've won me over little by little
you who arrived by coincidence, what can I say.
and if I can't find the exact word, what can I say.
How to tell you that you've won me over little by little
you who arrived by coincidence, what can I say.
Like a fire bird that dies in your hands,
a sliver of ice melted on your lips,
the radio keeps on playing; the war has ended,
but the bonfires still haven't died down.
CHORUS [repeats]
a sliver of ice melted on your lips,
the radio keeps on playing; the war has ended,
but the bonfires still haven't died down.
CHORUS [repeats]
What can I say, if every part of my mind is yours
and if I can't find the exact word, what can I say.
How to tell you that you've won me over little by little
you who arrived by coincidence, what can I say.
and if I can't find the exact word, what can I say.
How to tell you that you've won me over little by little
you who arrived by coincidence, what can I say.
you're taking away my life, what can I say...
This is me, by the way. With Eva Amaral. |
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Thought of the week (IV): About names
Last week I discovered one amazing thing, while talking about Dick Cheney:
Have you ever thought your name to be "dick"?
In Spanish, we definitely don't have that. We can make awkward sentences by combining names and surnames, but... no, we don't have such a direct name as "dick"
You can imagine my astonishment when I realized about this. But happily, I investigated (it was too bizarre that anyone could name his son "Dick" and that be accepted as normal) And I found out that "Dick" actually is a nickname. Dick Cheney real name is Richard "Dick" Bruce Cheney. Why its sobriquet is "dick", do not ask me because I don't know.
But look to his face...
Have you ever thought your name to be "dick"?
In Spanish, we definitely don't have that. We can make awkward sentences by combining names and surnames, but... no, we don't have such a direct name as "dick"
You can imagine my astonishment when I realized about this. But happily, I investigated (it was too bizarre that anyone could name his son "Dick" and that be accepted as normal) And I found out that "Dick" actually is a nickname. Dick Cheney real name is Richard "Dick" Bruce Cheney. Why its sobriquet is "dick", do not ask me because I don't know.
But look to his face...
![]() |
I'm too sexy for myself (too sexy for my body, too sexy...) |
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